Auction Closed


Auction #290755


Ended Sat, Mar, 15th 11:59 PM US/Eastern


SAT. MARCH 15, 2025 @ 9AM

Located: Beside neighbors address of 3942 Keener Rd. (for GPS purposes only) Marion, Oh 43302 (Big Island Twp.) just N. of Elgin High School, 5mi. S.E. of New Bloomington, 3.5 mi. N. of Green Camp, 5 mi. S. of Big Island, 7 mi. S.W. of Marion signs off SR 95 & Prospect-Upper Sandusky Rd.
Estate of Kenneth W. Bish, Marion Co. Probate Court Case #24EST-0280, Kenny was a lifelong farmer and in the skilled trade as a journey man.

Auction Order: Starting on shop tools for 1.5 hrs. @ 10:30 we will sell vehicles, boats, tractors, farm equip., & other rolling stock.
Loading: Available until dark day of auction!

DOZER-TRACTORS-VINTAGE LAWN TRACTORS-ETC.: Most equip. has been stored inside for many years selling in as-is cond., may have a few pcs. running by auction time. IH TD6 Drott skid shovel crawler loader w/ Drot 4 in 1, 72” bkt., dsl., elect. start & cage, SN. SK3B4537; M.H. 44 Special, n/f, orig. 3pt., 12-38 tires; ’38 Silver King w/ orig. single frt. wheel, 4 cyl., small model, w/ lawn rolling drums, SN. 3259, pr. 8-24 tires; drawbar; (3) wheel wts.; LeRoi Centaur D-140 w/ hyd. loader, 56” bkt., 4 cyl. gas, SN. 847176; Farmall F-12 on rubber, SN. FS68461

OLD LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS & RELATED: JD 110 3spd., round fenders w/ deck; (2) Jacobsen Chief 800’s w/ blades; 60’s Sears Suburban 10 rider, White GT-205 w/ 48” deck; (2) walk behind gas tractors w/ cults. & (1) sickle bar; 5hp. gas rototiller; 5hp. chipper shredder; plate garden planter; wheelbarrow; misc. old gas engines including Kohler 10hp.; etc
HIT N MISS ENGINES-VINTAGE CHAINSAWS: Foss Jr. 1 1/8 hp. eng., SN. 60893; Jaegger 2hp., 1600 RPM, eng. no. 341846, SN. 39546; Kohler 4 cyl. light plant generator w/ hand crank, Maytag kick start eng.; (10) chainsaws mainly old Homelite models 4-20, 5-20, 7-19, Zip, Wiz & Blue model w/ loop bar;

COMBINE-FARM EQUIP.: JD 6600 gas combine, 13’ grain head, variable speed, straw chopper, 18.4-26 frts., 11L-16 rears, SN. 9732; JD AW 12 ft wheel disk (G.C.); (3) 125 bu. gravity wagons, 2 have tandem axle rears; MF 43 22 x 7 g. drill w/ press wheels; JD 4 row 3pt. cult.; JD 494 4 row planter w/ insect, fert., markers (G.C.) Brillion 12’ cultimulcher; 12’ 3pt. f. cult.; JD F-145 4 btm. semi mtd. plow; pull type 250 gal. sprayer w/ 40’ booms; 7’ pull type rotary mower; JI CASE 31’ trans. grain elevator w/ 9’ fold up hopper, gas eng.; (2) JD 7’ mtd. sickle bar mowers; 13.5’ flat bed wagon w/ metal & wood sides; Wayne Roi 3pt. backhoe; old frt. loader w/ trip bkt.; 4 bar hay rake on steel; M.H. frt. mtd. 4 row cults.; Subsoiler on steel wheels; 9’ cult. on steel; Glencoe 15’ f. cult. w/ 2 bar harr.; 4 btm. pull type plow; pr. 18’ x 8’ 6” tandem axle trailer; (2) 250 gal. & (1) 100 gal. fuel tanks; JD 2 section harrow; 6’ 3pt. blade; (2) 10’ single cultipackers; (2) 4’ packer pups; 20.5’ x 8’ tandem axle trailer frame; Pr. of 18.4-38” duals w/ hardware; misc. packer wheels; & scrap implements

LATHE-WELDERS-SHOP TOOLS: small precision metal lathe 5” x 44” bed, tail stock & tooling on Rockwell base (G.C.); Lincoln Wedan Power 150 generator-arc welder on cart; Century Powermate 70 wire feed welder; Sureweld port. Bantam 190-ES arc welder w/ 12hp. gas eng.; acetylene torch set w/ cart; Forney welder; 7’ x 28” x 1” thick steel work table w/ 4” Columbian vise & bench grinder; Lg. chain hoist; Bubble wheel balancer; manual tire changer; 1.5 tn. hyd. floor jack; 27 drw. Metal parts cab.; log chains; Lg. horizontal air comp.; New Bauer port. bandsaw; chop saw; 15 drw. roll around tool chest w/ lots of tools; wrenches, sockets, adj. wrenches; 16 spd. floor model drill press; C-Clamps; 4000-watt gas generator; paint gun sprayers; space heater; older table saw; drill bits; 16’ alum. ext. ladders; sev. air tools; 3hp. gas air comp.; metal bandsaw; Ryobi mitre saw; chain binders; 4 drw. Kennedy tool chest; mini torch set; sev. hand & power tools; (3) nice Marathon 5 gal. cans; (12) local wood yardsticks; old wood stenciled R.R. & Fireworks boxes; & much more to be found!

VEHICLES-CYCLE-BOAT: ‘10 Subaru Forester SUV, AWD, auto., air, 2.5 liter, 4 dr., 76, 204 mi. (running cond.); ‘99 Subaru Forester, AWD, 4 Dr., (as-is); ‘86 Ford F-150 XLT “Lariet”, 2wd, 8’ bed, auto., air, cruise, 5.8 L High output (351), miles over, appears to be in good solid cond.; ‘76 Honda CB 5, 550-Four motorcycle, 17,907 mi., good orig. clean cond. ‘48 Ford F-5 1.5 tn. grain truck w/ 12’ wood stake bed, tandem rears; ‘60 Chevy Corvair 4dr., motor; ‘64 Chevy Corvair Monza, 4 dr., motor, both Chevy’s appear complete but have basically no interiors; ‘65 StarCraft Jupiter 16’ Alum. V-btm. fishing boat, ’62 Johnson 40 hp. on trailer, G.C.; ‘68 Pere Marquette Dakota 16’ canoe

Executor: Deborah E. Lambert / Attorney: Ted Frericks IV

