Located: 431 Madison Ave. Marion, Ohio 43302 (signs off E. Center St. and Fairground St.)
Estate of Stanley E. Jones Marion Co. Probate Court Case #18EST00069.
REAL ESTATE (SELLS @ 4:00): older 2 story home (1290+/- sq. ft.) consisting of 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen with oak cabinetry, dining room, full basement, gas furnace, central air, two stall attached garage, front porch, rear wood deck, blacktop drive, detached 24’ x 24’ shop/garage at rear of property on nice sized .417 acre city lot with nice view across the road of the Pheasants Forever Habitat acreage. Taxes are $672.18 per yr. based on homestead. TERMS: $4,000 down (non refundable) with balance due in 45 days. Taxes prorated to closing. To view please call office.
AUTO’S (SELL @ 3:00): ‘04 Ford Taurus SE 4 dr wagon, p.w., p.l., air, keyless entry, 3.0 V-6, 134,000 mi.; ‘96 GMC SL pickup, 4.3 V-6, auto, air, long bed. Both Clean!
GUITARS: Fender F-3 acoustic, s.n. 411577 w/case; Kay Dreadnought (K536NCA) w/case; Audition guitar w/case; (all on v.g.c.)
APPLIANCES-HOUSEHOLD: Keilvinator 18 cu. refrig.; Kenmore 18 cu. upright freezer w/dig. read out; Crosley upright freezer; Magic Chef gas range; Kenmore washer & dryer; Bassett 3 pc. fullsize bedroom suite; twin bed; recliner; Norwalk sofa; French Prov. dresser & chest; drop leaf table w/2 chairs; cherry buffet; hide-a-bed; coffee/end tables; round kitchen table w/2 chairs; fullsize bed; (2) Bissell sweepers; park bench; sm. kitchen elect. appliances; quilt rack; port. bar w/stools; canning jars; fans; pots, pans, dishes, bedding, etc.
ANTIQUES-COLLECTIBLES: just found silver Franklin half dollars; sm. pot belly Pippin Hardwick Stove Co. c.i. wood heating stove; maytag ringer washer w/orig. manuel; White oak treadle sewing machine; hall tree; lava lamp; statue train clock; Banjo clock; childs writing desk; black world globe; green rotary phone; c.i. lion bank; costume jewelry; c.i. jockey; single galv. rinse tub; M.C. Lilley Co. Columbus Ceremonial Sword w/leather scabbard; red Coleman lantern; corn knife; vintage metal fan; wood tool carrier; galv. tub; etc.
LAWN EQUIP.: Crafts. 5 hp./22” snowblower (like new); Yard Mach. 18.5 hp./42” deck rider w/42” blade; Lawn Boy Silver Series 4.5 hp. self propelled mower; Yard Mach. 6.25 hp. mower w/bagger; MTD gas snowblower; 6’ x 4½’ H.M. trailer; tiltbed yard trailer; Early Snapper riding mower; Crafts. pull lawn aerator; Fairlane 4.5 hp. rototiller; gas weed whip; wheelbarrow; McCullough chainsaw.
SHOP TOOLS: Crafts. 4 hp./25 gal. air compressor; Crafts. table top drill press; Crafts. 100 table saw; Crafts. 10” radial saw; Crafts. bandsaw; hand cart; sev. power tools; jacks; log chain; ½ t. chain hoist; bench grinder; Reddy heater; 1500 watt generator; levels; wood braces & bits; wood lathe; vint. port. generator; step ladders; tools boxes; bikes; lots of asst. hand & garden tools. wrenches and all sorts of tools
Executor: Donna M. Preiksa / Attorney: Mr. James A. Harris
Ben A. Higgins, Broker & Auctioneer
Ben F. Higgins, Realtor & Auctioneer
Brad Higgins, Auctioneer
TERMS: Cash, check, VISA/MasterCard w/driver’s license. 4% Buyer’s Premium waived for cash or check. Statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Concessions Available.
Bidding Dates
Sep '18
01:00 PM
Eastern Time (US & Canada)